Races down a turn left lane to a AA roundabout and go straight over by KFC in Eastbourne this area is a hotspot for accidents and recently a motorcycle was killed because of a fucking idiot like this
Stagecoach Devon's 15602 (GX10HBL) 'Julia Elizabeth' at Exeter Bus Station. This photo is from Wikimedia Commons by Geof Shepard. I added the NXWMesque female name 'Julia Elizabeth' (from Julie Andrews full name, Julia Elizabeth Wells). The blue and white new repainted front can associate with some actresses.
Undertakes all the traffic at a roundabout in the turn left lane only then forces her way in were motorcyclist was recently killed what a fucking moron
Races down a turn left lane to a AA roundabout and go straight over by KFC in Eastbourne this area is a hotspot for accidents and recently a motorcycle was killed because of a fucking idiot like this