What is worse than a range rover driver? A Range Rover driver in Liverpool. Cannot maintain a normal speed and just stay behind other people to the next set of traffic light. Instead the driver in question persistently dips and dives into other lanes, slaloming it up until he ends up no more than three car lengths ahead. Well done dude.
Arsehole trick this evening with a bus that was indicating to pull out. The car directly behind the bus slowed down so the bus could pull out. As the bus was pulling out, this tool seems to think it's find to pass both cars.
Impatient driver of BMW X6 keeps changing lanes at the Swiss Cottage gyratory in North West London and ends up in a lane with parked cars so hoots at camera car (because it couldn't possibly be their own fault). The driver appears to be local (St Johns Wood) so should have know there would be parked cars in their chosen lane. Another bad driver who can't take responsibility for their own actions.