HK02 XTO 2015-02-24 23:15:48

This driver is now ranked 3rd biggest idiot lol - http://rate-d
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HK02 XTO 2015-02-24 22:11:47

This driver is a toss pot to be honest, doesn't have the courtesy to allow a bus to go through when the bus has the right of way. 'You my friend ... Are a w****r
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HK02 XTO 2015-02-24 21:49:09

What a arsehole driver
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HV06 LYP 2015-02-07 11:01:00

Thank you so much for leaving a large space for my motorbike. I am indebted to you. Thx SO MUCH!!!!
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HK57 OAG 2015-02-15 21:22:18

This driver Overtook me on double white lines while I was turing right. He hit my driver side front then he left the scene.
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HV06 LYP 2015-02-08 17:42:07

All the ratings below submitted on the same day at the same time! - ha ha nice try driver of HV06LYP.
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HX53 YDG 2015-01-31 17:04:37

your time come to die- u will go down to the big bad fire - u may mock this with the phrase "so fucking what" Trust me, you will suffer death and yes we will all celebrate your end - die mother fucker
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HV06 LYP 2015-02-07 10:31:29

Very good driver always waits for me to go past when crossing the road.
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HV06 LYP 2015-02-06 17:35:35

Great driver excellent van perfect match
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HV06 LYP 2015-02-06 17:20:32

Very Good driver
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Worst drivers in December

  1. FH56 XPE
  2. SR18 HLY
  3. SC17 XDH
  4. LC06 OPH
  5. KP68 VDV
  6. YH09 AYL
  7. W4 NKA
  8. FX21 CNF
  9. Y33 TAF
  10. V36 FDP

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