you are an absolute lunatic- you damn nearly took me off my bike in longham today! you were not even an inch from my right handlebar to your left mirror. Utterly incompentent driver. Look at the video and learn to drive!!!!! it really isnt difficult to grasp......GIVE BIKES SPACE. You're damn lucky you didnt do that as i avoided a pothole or you'd be going to court for this.
new road bournemouth- i see this car in my mirror after we cross the green bridge- three pinch points after that where you shouldnt pass bikes, the driver waits patiently behind me until we've past them, then passes me with loads of space. Thanks driver. If everyone drove like that around cyclists people wouldnt feel so afraid to ride. From a biker, cyclist and driver, cheers
a very angry woman- gestured at me to use my signal[ it was on, its a little led one] but shes sat too close to a junction, the wrong way around AND about to drive off with no seatbelt on.
texter with child in back seat. Also drives at 2 miles an hour on a 40 limit.