Instead of swerving between lanes without signalling and then deciding to stay in the outside lane of a well known motorway outside Manchester and sticking to 55mph,try reading the Highway Code.
Literally no idea how to drive, pulled right out in front of me whilst i was driving along the road. Tried to overtake the traffic on Wimborne road by trying to drive on the oncoming lane which didn't get him anywhere, then proceed to park on the double yellow lines on the main road and leave his car behind
I have just received the biggest load of abusive, threatening and foul language from the driver of this car that I have ever encountered in my whole life. Threatening to smash me up, but using much more colourful language than that. The guy is obviously lacking intelligence, and respect for women big time.
This van is doing the rounds as a builders tradesmen. It's not it's traveler's looking for old people to rip off.
They have ripped off old people in Inverness 20/4/16
Crashed and killed some one