HK62 HTF 2019-01-23 07:02:34

nice work on all the cars pic mate. But that's a Honda Jazz
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HK61 EAM 2019-01-24 08:44:47

Dickhead think's he owns the road because he drives a nissan navara. Watched him cutting people up and almost run a car off the road.
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HK11 FBU 2018-12-30 11:54:26

Cut up my learner driver daughter on a roundabout, squeezing into a small gap between her and the learner driver in front and then cut up the other learner driver at the next roundabout. This guy is a total liability.
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HK65 NAU 2019-01-05 18:58:20

Awful female driver, driving far too close with no regard for her safety or anyone else’s.
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HK18 JCO 2018-12-17 09:53:58

Have to shame this idiot who came within inches of smashing into the side of my car.

I was waiting at some traffic lights on Plumstead Common Road (approx SE18 area) heading towards Charlton. I had one car in front of me and after the lights turned green, I started to move off when I noticed a car in my right hand mirror speeding down the outside. (The lane to the right is only for turning right).

This idiot decide he would race down the outside and cut in at the last minute with only inches to spare, almost smashing into my car. I had my 2 very young children in the car and had to slam my brakes on and I honked my horn. After that, he proceeded to brake check me causing me to skin to a stop.

The idiot will eventually get someone hurt or worse.
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HK08 TBZ 2018-12-11 12:01:41

Parks car in a clearly marked bay for EVs only (Tesco Watford)
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HK05 NWV 2018-12-12 13:57:34

Awesome kid.

Drives his beemer like a pro!

Keep it up!
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HK55 BUJ 2018-12-02 21:04:11

Driving out of Sea Road in Westgate on 29/11/2018 while talking on his mobile
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HK64 KXB 2018-11-29 01:01:14

Perfect driving. Best driver ever.
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HK06 LGA 2018-11-24 20:40:19

Car rear passenger light not working
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  2. KP68 VDV
  3. FN66 JYU
  4. DK55 XAT
  5. KT73 ZHX
  6. RF12 HKU
  7. KV59 YWN
  8. MLP 2010
  9. B16 TAJ
  10. WG02 NFE

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