HK07 FXL 2018-06-12 18:46:36


Next time you swap lanes without paying attention you might cause a serious accident...luckily i was paying attention so you just got a long blast of the hooter.
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HK02 ZCL 2018-06-09 13:21:45

parking like an absolute dick. no consideration for others
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HK15 HVP 2018-05-30 19:12:45

Doesn't deserve a license with his awful driving.
Just once instance of being cut up by this guy.
He also indicates left approaching the roundabout but ends up going straight across cutting into my lane again.
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HK15 LKZ 2018-05-11 16:12:21

No idea of give way and right side of road

Narrow road that struggles even with two clear lanes when theres parking cars nightmare

But then you get self entitled knobs that fly onto the wrong side of the road EVEN THOUGH THERES A CAR THERE

This isn't even just annoying its Reckless Driving!
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HK66 NNG 2018-05-10 22:34:19

This Citroen performs a dangerous double overtake. Completely blind to oncoming traffic it pulls out and nearly hits an overtaking biker and car. The driver continued to drive dangerously, tailgating constantly and attempting to overtake further traffic

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HK12 LFA 2018-05-13 17:16:40

Obnoxious driver. Dangerously pulling out to try over take and braking really late almost going into the back of the car and then being dangerous close behind.
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HK06 UJN 2018-04-29 19:40:13

So I'm waiting on the side of the for heavy traffic and cycles to go past on a hard pavement outside my house..

This old git turns up and starts indicating and getting impatient he cant turn cos Im there. Then turns to where i'm going to reverse and just turns round and drives off

Imagine your trying to reverse onto your drive and someones getting fucked off cos they cant get on it to turn round (even though there's 10 other drives to use)

Literally one of the most fucking ridiculous pieces of driving I have ever seen.
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HK51 VHU 2018-04-29 12:36:40

tailgate twat
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HK16 CEF 2018-04-29 11:30:54

tailgating twat
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HK13 HKH 2018-04-25 16:51:36

I am appealing to the good people on here to be on the look-out for this car in the Cannock/Midlands areas and beyond - it was stolen in a violent robbery. These people need finding.

Thank you all for your time.
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