Rule 74 does say to wait in the centre of the road, but then it also says it may be safer to wait on the left. With drivers like that around I'd rather wait on the left!
This Silver Skoda was travelling at 40MPH in all zones. in a 50MPH zone they did 40. In 60, they did 40. And in a 30, they did 40. Seemingly oblivious to what the speed limits were, and the huge queue behind.
Details: Texting Whilst Driving on Multiple Occasions
Location: Bordon, Hampshire
Vehicle: Silver Vauxhall Corsa (+ White Rose Vauxhall sticker)
This spiky, blonde-haired teenage-looking guy was texting at every available opportunity as he was moving in traffic. A huge percentage of his time was spent looking down at his lap rather than at the road ahead. When traffic stopped, due to his distraction he failed to move in good time, causing the light ahead to go red.
He can be identified by the ridiculous and rubbish loud music pumping out of the down windows, even if it is a cold day. If this is you reading this -- not everyone likes your style of music, and quit messing about whilst driving. Concentrate on the road!
What a cunt he is saxo wanker