Very aggressive and angry driving was beeping while waiting for other vehicles to move after a green light (milliseconds) at the next intersection while I was waiting on my bicycle at a red light to go straight ahead the driver barged his way into the cycle box with no indication turned left from the right hand lane into Piccadilly from St James’s, for those that know this intersection a bus or lorry can turn left from the left hand lane. I’d like to report this matter to the police, as I’m sure it was recorded on CCTV 0801 (01APR15) but I suppose there is little point. The vehicle was a skip-loaded lorry the type of vehicle all cyclists fear driven by an aggressive and angry drive.
I assumed this was just another driver that didn't bother to look before pulling out right in front of me, but as I came alongside him he smirked and said "Yeah, I seen you" (which I believe is chav for "Yes, I saw you"), so it was clearly a deliberate manoeuvre.
Aggressive elderly male driver in pale blue car with cuddly toys on dashboard, who makes abusive hand signals to lone female drivers around Portsmouth. Reported to Police, be aware!
Pulling up at a Bus stop and making an elderly gentleman fall of his cycle. Bearing in mind there was enough room for him to go round the cyclist and park. Obviously not a very good driver at all. Driving in a BMW makes him thinks he is high and mighty when in actual fact he was one of the most arrogant and ignorant drivers on our roads.
Decides that it's a great place right opposite a lorry (and blocking the road) while she goes to the off license. Then she gobs when I tell her there is parking spaces available.
Very aggressive and angry driving was beeping while waiting for other vehicles to move after a green light (milliseconds) at the next intersection while I was waiting on my bicycle at a red light to go straight ahead the driver barged his way into the cycle box with no indication turned left from the right hand lane into Piccadilly from St James’s, for those that know this intersection a bus or lorry can turn left from the left hand lane. I’d like to report this matter to the police, as I’m sure it was recorded on CCTV 0801 (01APR15) but I suppose there is little point. The vehicle was a skip-loaded lorry the type of vehicle all cyclists fear driven by an aggressive and angry drive.