HV61 HSO 2021-12-15 21:43:29

shit driving! Link to the video i saw it in below.

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HV61 GVK 2021-12-13 12:16:45

The most dangerous and petty driving I have ever experienced.

I will hold my hands and say that I did not respond well to the initial bad driving, which apparently was a trigger for illegal and dangerous driving by this vehicle. Initial incident occured just off M6 where this car overtook me on a single track road despite there being another car ahead of me that was the one causing a minor delay (45mph ish on national speed limit) and no real room to do so. I then drove too close behind them in retaliation for the next minute until they overtook the car ahead.

Fast forward half an hour or so. I catch up to this vehicle along the A69. Vehicle then starts intermittently slowing down dramatically (to 35 mph or so), I do my best to avoid tail-gating. After 5 minutes or so of this, they pull into a layby - so I assume they were just trying to find a turn-off in the dark and think nothing of it.

5-10 minutes later, reach dual carriageaway. Car has reappeared alongside me in outside lane - overtakes, but then pulls in front of me and decelerates. I maintain a constant speed and move to the outside lane - the vehicle then moves back into the outside lane and puts their high beams on.

For the next 10 minutes or so, the vehicle continued with this kind of behaviour - at times speeding up when I went to overtake (trying to maintain a constant speed), or slowing down after pulling back in front of me in the inside lane (one time almost clipping me in doing so, in a pick-up truck versus a small car this is unbelievably dangeorus). And always putting their high beams on when behind me.

So I would recommend just letting this tw*t overtake you dangerously and let them go - as they are quite prepared to try and cause an accident if you have the audicity to point out their arrogant and terrible driving
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HV12 OGR 2021-12-09 13:32:08

Doesn't know how lanes or speed works.
Funny chap thou, thought swerving into my lane without warning or indicating was the best thing to exist to him.
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HV15 HNL 2021-11-06 20:45:05

Van driving kid touching weeb. Learn how to drive
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HV13 ZVR 2021-10-30 14:38:37

Stereotypical thick as pigshit white van man.
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HV54 KVH 2021-10-17 12:05:36

Please give more room when you pass me you were too close
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HV20 YNB 2021-10-04 12:41:03

this woman is a danger to the roads cuts you up then brakes only crash avoidance saved us then sped off doing 75+ in a 50
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HV64 XRM 2021-09-30 23:47:57

Pulls out of sidestreets on the highway without looking, going to the fast lane rightaway, almost killing a biker
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HV57 OCJ 2021-09-30 16:44:54

On a dual carriageway which is 40 mph this clown raises up the inside of all the traffic doing at least 70 slams his brakes on and cuts into the outside lane at the last minute causing everybody to break check what a wanker
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HV64 JHO 2021-09-24 20:50:47

Pulls out without looking
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