HX03 HDG 2020-01-14 16:28:12

This idiot has twice reversed into cars parked outside my unit and reall shouldn't be allowed on the road with such poor spatial awareness
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HX53 EBS 2019-12-11 12:01:29

Hope they are asking for an indicator on their Christmas list this year!
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HX66 OTS 2019-10-08 10:50:02

Person had parked blocking entrance and exit of the road and had left vehicle causing obstuction to highway.
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HX15 ODN 2019-10-03 14:57:06

Not MOT no Tax obviously then no Insurance rude driver and drives dangerously. He is a deli every drive not sure for who but he needs to take his test again! Hope he gets caught!
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HX60 AVO 2019-09-22 11:05:37

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HX68 NZU 2019-09-11 11:10:54

BMW 5 Series 2litre petrol/hybrid.
Driving about 130 mph on M5 southbound on the afternoon of 10th September, driver of African descent, car is declared SORN, he was driving like he stole it (pun intended)
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HX63 WWT 2019-09-10 19:09:16

Stolen 2018
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HX66 YBP 2019-09-07 10:13:29

Oblivious to the fact he'd parked across 2 bays, when asked to move seemed unaware that he was the one being addressed. Wife seemed somehow more vacant than him.
(Ringwood McDonald's 7/9/19)
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HX15 OAP 2019-08-28 18:38:20

Shockingly dangerous speeds witnessed, at least 50mph down a 30mph road
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HX15 UWK 2019-08-21 15:03:52

Guy driving this looked shellshocked but that was probably from the sound telling off his rather large opinionated Mrs had shrieked at him whilst she was being dropped off the for the train. Has my sympathies
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