HX56 DYB 2020-03-11 14:18:23

Everytime the driver got out, awful smell of weed, followed by this big smoke cloud
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HX18 WLN 2020-02-29 14:44:05

Agressive Driver in Preston Lancashire on Catleton Road..Beware of this Asian Man..Is out for a fight wont give way if you drive near him..Been reported to the Police..Was with my Mum used abusive language and try to fight with me..Police cant do anything rougue on ghe Streets..Be careful...Thinks he can get away with it.
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HX66 SCV 2020-02-19 16:36:38

This little cunt in an ugly piece of shit can't judge speed or distances as they pulled in front of me on the motorway when they could have waited for a safer gap.

Fuck you
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HX58 AVE 2020-02-10 18:59:12

18:40 on 10/02/20
White MERCEDES ATEGO 2528L DAY 2008 Flat Lorry
This vehicle had something like a JCB on a trailer but failed to stop at a red light on the M55/A585 roundabout as the lights changed to green on the side road to enter. Either his braking isn’t good enough to stop when he should, or more likely he used his size and weight to push his way in front as nobody else whose right of way it was stood a chance. Typical bum-boy power.
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HX66 HFA 2020-02-14 16:16:28

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HX18 LTK 2020-01-19 11:35:17

About 19:15 on 18th January 2020.
Red TOYOTA AYGO X-PLAY VVT-I 2018 Hatchback
A6 & A589 Lancaster from The Pointer roundabout to The Shrimp roundabout.
This Southerner was showing signs of impatience driving too close and weaving about as well as aggressive acceleration to make progress. Definitely the style of driving like what I have seen down south.
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HX16 XTE 2020-01-21 17:45:12

That kid in the passenger seat looked like he could do some real damage and didn't take too kindly to the beep.
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HX03 HDG 2020-01-14 16:28:12

This idiot has twice reversed into cars parked outside my unit and reall shouldn't be allowed on the road with such poor spatial awareness
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HX53 EBS 2019-12-11 12:01:29

Hope they are asking for an indicator on their Christmas list this year!
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HX66 OTS 2019-10-08 10:50:02

Person had parked blocking entrance and exit of the road and had left vehicle causing obstuction to highway.
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  2. B16 TAJ
  3. LJ23 YCT
  4. GL20 ONN
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  7. KR19 NCX
  8. MO14 LEY
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  10. SG10 BZY

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