HX67 GYH 2023-08-17 23:59:35

Refused to move out of the way of an ambulance on a dual carriageway, because he wanted to hang in the overtaking lane doing the same speed as the only other car on the road. Selfish idiot that shouldn't be on the road.
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HX12 AFK 2023-08-13 19:30:19

Owned by a career conman and fraudster and his son. Made his money with I.N.D a fraudulent debt collection operation along with various investment scams and frauds such as commissioning £3m of building works in the 90s and then not paying for it

His son Wayne garrison is also a career fraudster and has scammed thousands from victims via ponzi schemes / other investment frauds. Stay well away from Wayne garrison, Rachel ivtsan, David ivtsan, rick garrison and the rest of them. They're all career fraudsters
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HX14 NJY 2023-08-13 23:01:51

Hits my mirror and drove off - Port Talbot
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HX22 TWY 2023-08-01 15:19:31

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HX72 YYT 2023-07-19 18:02:42

Dragons teeth around the grass suggests you don’t park there. However if you are a little bit self entitled then have a word with yourself. Plenty of allocated parking available.
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HX08 EHV 2023-07-12 14:13:38

Big obese guy with the side ripped out his car quite happy to use child bays outside Lidl with no kids
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HX18 LSV 2023-06-27 17:50:54

Parking as far away from the kerb as possible does not exempt you from the double yellows, ffs. Also on a bend as well.
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HX66 OPG 2023-07-02 19:42:41

No indication whatsoever going right at roundabout
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HX21 FVO 2023-06-16 20:45:46

The inside lane is closed due to road works in 400 yards. The traffic is merging and this driver instead of driving and using all of the lane until the closure decided to just stop with no indicator and no one in front of him thinking someone will let him in this caused traffic behind him of drivers who wanted to drive until the road works like you supposed to.The guy would try to drive when the outside lane traffic moves but would not pass the car even tho he could just continue until the road works since nothing was infront of him
A31 Farnham bypass 13 June 2023
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HX21 CWV 2023-06-22 22:16:14

works for border farce
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