HX19 VFW 2023-06-20 20:05:56

Think he's a bully, figure why. Probably not even his cab.
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HX23 LLC 2023-05-21 20:11:26

I can’t believe I did this, I’m such a Karen! 🙄

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HX65 ZHU 2023-05-14 14:21:58

Trying to block people from using a Zip Merge with traffic going back to and congesting a roundabout.
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HX15 BYJ 2023-04-22 21:04:42

Why use the car park when you can be a twat and park on the pavement.
Liberty woodland school, you need better drivers.
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HX68 OXE 2023-04-03 08:15:07

They are either blind, don’t know how to use a wing mirror, or just a poor driver. Dangerously pulled into the fast lane of the A3. If I had not taken defensive action, they would have caused a collision. With the minicab sticker in the back window, I would have expected more from a professional driver. Definitely want to watch out for
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HX71 CYY 2023-03-23 20:09:28

Don’t call them:

“Cycle lanes”

Call them:

“Mobility lanes”
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HX71 YTF 2023-02-28 11:26:23

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HX66 PVW 2023-02-12 19:06:50

Mounting pavements at junction to avoid queuing almost causes collision when turning the pavement
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HX18 ESO 2023-01-02 05:52:43

Da pussy wagon 😎😎
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HX70 BYF 2022-12-18 14:11:24

Parked on zig zags. Words fail me.
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