Polite driver, got cut up by three people in front of me from people lane switching, but showed patience and awareness, shame other drivers aren't the same these days
Driving like a complete cock in Cardiff in his Renault Megane then hooking up in a dark lay-by late at night to exchange packages with someone in a Mercedes KT15 UYK. #WellDodgy
Whilst I passed to the left of the vehicle (in the cycle lane), the twat sprayed me with the screen washer.
It looked like the passenger jet was deliberately aimed to the left of the vehicle. Fortunately I was wearing cycle glasses, but my face still got irritated by the screen fluid.
Unacceptable driving on the m1 yesterday, I was driving at 60 mph in my little vw in the slow lane and this big bully moves into my lane with no indicator or warning! I had to slam on my brakes to avoid all my driver side being smashed into. He then did almost exactly the same thing later to a driver moving back into the middle lane.
Police Car. Drove through just gone red light which he/she had time to stop for with comfort. Just because you are a police car doesn't mean that you don't abide by the law.
blocked me in, blasted his horn to get someone's attention. when I jumped back and shouted cause he frightened me and my baby, he shouted "I don't give a f***** s*** you p****.
Persistent drunk driver