Silver Mondeo..... Utter wanker of a driver, sped across three lanes by Archbishops Palace before breaking heavily. Then sped down past the Police Station cutting up other drivers with no indication. Dangerous prick.
The driver of this silver Ford Fiesta pulls out into a main road from a side road (with give way markings) cashing other vehicles to come to a standstill and then stops for ages, blocking the road. Not sure why. Very strange.
Video title: "Crazy Driver Blocks Road *ROAD RAGE* Yamaha R6. I RIDE A MOTORCYCLE"
This driver is very thoughtful and willing to let you go. They are very thoughtful for the wildlife, I saw a passenger in the car throw out a can, the young man who couldn't be older than 25 circled back round and made the passenger pick the litter up. Very thoughtful of him! It is lovely to see someone cares that much to care for our countryside.
Speeding like a loony and aggressive tailgating astley. Stour Rd. Coach Rd.