KJ07 KWX 2019-03-26 15:30:59

The driver tried to cut in on the queue on the A3/M25 slip road and then when I didn't let him he pulled up beside me and through a cup of coffee over my side window and then threw something like a screw or nut at my stationary car.
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KJ57 BTU 2019-03-19 00:25:32

Drove behind this car for an hour-long journey from Norwich to Kings Lynn. A young driver, but shows experience, intelligence and intuition when navigating the roads. Manoeuvres are executed technically and safely, deserving of his licence.
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KJ55 LUZ 2019-03-05 08:42:34

7.33 in

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KJ57 FHP 2019-03-11 01:59:30

This was a Mazda, with over 500bhp...unlucky it was stolen and wrecked! Was nice to see most days in my area.
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KJ08 TNE 2019-03-08 00:02:05

Brake check cunt
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KJ05 OHN 2019-02-28 20:13:20

The convoy section for the roadworks on a915 Scoonie Brae & Largo Road in Leven idiot driver forces himself through the red light, drives over the 10mph limit

Arrogant knobber!
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KJ17 WRA 2019-02-22 21:09:10

This guy goes from furthest left lane to furthest right lane in a 3 lane highway, while speeding not using blinkers, driving zigzags cutting everyone off. He must've been in a damn impressive hurry.
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KJ15 KEK 2019-02-17 14:18:31

Kept looking down at phone while in slow moving traffic on M1.
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KJ17 LZX 2019-01-31 21:26:21

This delightful individual at 36 Hill Brow in Hove has an aversion to parking on their drive... or in their garage... or on their other drive... or, heck, even on the road like the everyone else. Instead they've been parking like this for weeks.

But now that it's been snowing, it's actually really dangerous for people to have to walk on the road. Plus, it turns out that dropped kerb is slippery AF, as my backside can testify.
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KJ16 MWL 2019-02-13 07:57:49

Drives like a cunt. Speeds every where and is purely arrogant.
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  2. PF14 LDD
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  4. CK59 KWR
  5. B16 TAJ
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  7. AU12 PYB
  8. KP68 VDV
  9. LC06 OPH
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