The driver of this car is really aggressive. This driver has no consideration for other road users and gets into a road rage having arguments with other drivers when he is the one in the wrong. His attitude and driving standards are very poor and most certainly could do with some more driving training and anger management. I would suggest he takes a chill pill next time he is out in his motor.
Extremely concerned about the mental condition of the old woman who was blocking the road, shouting at me that the road I was in was a one way road! As soon as I got my mobile to take pictures, she drove off! Lenham Road you can see the car park opposite! I was late for my appointment! Perhaps due to age, or senility, she needs to be removed from driving.
Hounded the car in front driving at a decent speed, blipping his engine, but didn’t have overtake when could have easily done. Just as though he likes intimidating.
Are there 2 different Volvos on shetland Seems to have swapped number plates from a 67 to an 18 half way through continuity