Sat in outside lane on dual carriageway, sees a tractor and trailer infront of them, which had been there long enough for them to pull in behind me, speeds up and dangerously cuts infront of me into my lane (left lane) and almost hits the back of the trailer. And is bullying other road users into the left lane by sitting up their ass.
Shit driver. Wonder why his car is broken from the back. Tried to cut me even though there was no space. Extremely dangerous and I even had a sign saying ‘baby on board’
From last night. Absolute moron in a silver Merc 350 from 2009 who, at the junction between Dickenson Road and Wilmslow Road in Manchester, overtook the car ahead using the wrong side of the road to drive through a red light and turn right onto Wilmslow Road.
Cars from the other side had started coming at this point as the lights had gone green.
Also on his car the E350 badging has had the 0 removed to read as “E35” - Maybe he wants people to think it’s an AMG? Little does he know that there’s no such thing as an E35.
No overstating how moronic and lame people can be these days 😑
Sat in outside lane on dual carriageway, sees a tractor and trailer infront of them, which had been there long enough for them to pull in behind me, speeds up and dangerously cuts infront of me into my lane (left lane) and almost hits the back of the trailer. And is bullying other road users into the left lane by sitting up their ass.