This young lad is a very nice driver, ive seen him around Lowestoft, he is always going the speed limit, never once has he put anyone in danger! So don't listen to the others clearly you cannot jump out of a car onto the road and then two foot a full grown man in the face
I was following this car down the road, and it was swerving from side to side, in a way that clearly indicated the driver was drunk. He nearly hit several bollards, then hit one and swerved into the road, in front of me, then drove and stopped in the wrong side of the road.
See the down-voting club (Sid James' proxy?!) has been busy. Oh, and the classic giveaway: no comments, just down votes.. a fire-and-forget policy. Haterz gonna hate, and trolls gonna troll. Maybe they're hissing mad like a snake named Sid, for being banned off You Tube for their abuse! ;)))
P.s. It was the white truck in the photo.