This articulated lorry driver is a nutcase, drives like he's on a motorbike. I'd steer clear if I were you. He nearly cause an accident on the a406 today.
Utterly inconsiderate bellend. Parks halfway across an entrance to a private car park on double yellows and dropped kerb. Results in blocking in two vehicles using the car park who were unable to exit, one being a pregnant woman who needed to get home. The other being my vehicle which resulted in me having to take a taxi the 25 miles back to my house, which cost more than the parking ticket this knobjockey was given so there's little satisfaction from that. Shit like this gives me little hope for humanity when there are wastes of blood and organs like this prick wandering the earth.
Stupid buck tooth woman pulled out on me with my newborn in the car and proceeded to drive along at 40mph in a 60 stupid bitch!!