Lorry driver could see he was pulling out then closed the gap. Should have tried harder at school then you wouldn’t have to eat Yorkies and whack one out in the back of your cab over picture of Alan Carr in the Sun. And your taste in music is shit.
This driver was so helpful bless em there was paramedics (female) trying to hoist a elderly gentleman onto a wheel bed and he pulled over in the safest manner using hand signals and his vehicles Instruments into a parking spot that must have been so hard to get into at the time and he provided help to the man and ambulance massive props, I hope the driver sees this one day
Too close, all evidence sent to the Police and Crimewatch, and it’s also going to be broadcast on Skynews. You’ll be able to see me on my bike with stabilisers on.
Lorry driver could see he was pulling out then closed the gap. Should have tried harder at school then you wouldn’t have to eat Yorkies and whack one out in the back of your cab over picture of Alan Carr in the Sun. And your taste in music is shit.