Heading west on M3 twixt Farnborough and Basingstoke, crossed two lanes very behind a car in the middle lane, and a minute later nearly sideswiped that same car crossing back from the inside lane - if that car hadn't been paying attention and used the brakes, this white Citroen would have sideswiped him.
Saw the male occupant of this far rolling down his window at least 4 times on Friday 6th September 2019 in the Weymouth area at approximately 15:45 asking schoolgirls if they wanted a lift home. As I went to pull him up on it I got a mouthful of abuse. Reported to police.
His vehicle has a modified exahaust, that is deliberately designed to annoy people by being excessively loud. Clearly the owner has no consideration for other.people who have to put up with this noise.
Was only a few days old when this happened. Very poor observation by the car driver. They would've easily seen the biker if they looked right before emerging.
Absolutely disgusted with, (what I assume was a male's), driving. No word of a lie, the shittest driver I've ever seen. Nearly ran over a couple of cows and killed a few sheep, but it was all fine luckily - only squashed a duck or two. Avoid Southend at all costs with this car on the loose!