This guy is an absolute lunatic and shouldn’t be on the road! Veered into on coming traffic, then stopped on double yellow lines, blocking the road and then when he got out, started hurling abuse at somebody legally parked because he felt it would be a good space for a taxi! Talk about arrogant! Pretty sure he was over the limit.. I could smell alcohol from about 2 feet away
Fucking nasty greasy fat bitch was manoeuvring the car back and forward while a kid who can only have been about nine or ten was trying to get into the car. What a disgusting shit of a parent. Oh BMW driver what else? Probably either stole it or is in some hideous credit agreement becuase a chav like that no way can legitimately afford such a wanky car.
I know it fits your personality and character but get yourself a Nissan Micra or a Ka or some tiny shitbox instead and you might do less damage to your ‘family’. Scrote.
I've no idea what this mad woman's problem is but she can't steer round corners properly hence she encroached on the hatched area where I was standing and nearly ran over my feet.
Then she parked up in a parent & child parking space even though she had no kid with her.
I've no idea who she is but she must be either really pissed off with life in general or just a bit crazy, because she effectively tailed me round the supermarket and kept nearly crashing into me. Couldn't get away from her.
And then she left at the same time as I did and she went the wrong way in the car park to the exit.
This guy is an absolute lunatic and shouldn’t be on the road! Veered into on coming traffic, then stopped on double yellow lines, blocking the road and then when he got out, started hurling abuse at somebody legally parked because he felt it would be a good space for a taxi! Talk about arrogant! Pretty sure he was over the limit.. I could smell alcohol from about 2 feet away