Sorry, I was lying. I am female. I was the driver. I was playing music on Spotify not on the actual phone. I put it on seat between my legs so I could see it properly. Sorry x
Overtaken rather late while indicating left into a single lane exit slip from 50 mph dual carriageway by this driver with his arm resting outside driver's window. However, he did manage to keep within the white lane markings, but the manoeuvre could have been easily avoided for improved safety.
This bike cut right in front of me as we pulled away at the light, I had to brake to avoid hitting him and knocking him off his bike, so I flashed my lights to warn him, and he gave the finger.
Not much gratitude for having to brake to save him from his own stupid riding. Next time I won't waste my time braking. What an idiot.
Sorry, I was lying. I am female. I was the driver. I was playing music on Spotify not on the actual phone. I put it on seat between my legs so I could see it properly. Sorry x