White and blue small looking car. Keeps on holding up traffic, especially on the motorway. Also went into the shopping mall. Driven by a tall idiot who keeps on banging his nose onto his "windscreen"
LG54 UUXANON IS THE WORST DRIVER2017-11-17 14:09:57
NO HE ISNT YOU ARE THIS DRIVER IS THE BEST DRIVER IN THE WORLD. This Is What i Think About This Driver. He Is The finest, greatest, top, foremost, leading, pre-eminent, premier, prime, first, chief, principal, supreme, of the highest quality, superlative, unrivalled, second to none, without equal, nonpareil, unsurpassed, unsurpassable, peerless, matchless, unparalleled, unbeaten, unbeatable, unexcelled, optimum, optimal, ultimate, surpassing, incomparable, ideal, perfect; highest, record-breaking; top of the range; top of the line; par excellence; informalstar, number-one, one-in-a-million, a cut above the rest, top-drawer; rareunexampled Driver In The Whole World.
And This Is What I Think Of You
of poor quality or a low standard.
"a bad diet"
synonyms: substandard, poor, inferior, second-rate, second-class, unsatisfactory, inadequate, unacceptable, not up to scratch, not up to par, deficient, imperfect, defective, faulty, shoddy, amateurish, careless, negligent; More
not appropriate in a particular situation.
"morning was a bad time to ask Andy about anything"
synonyms: inauspicious, disadvantageous, adverse, difficult, inopportune, unpropitious, inappropriate, unsuitable, unfavourable, unfortunate, untoward; informaldisastrous
"a recession is a bad time to try and sell a business"
not such as to be hoped for or desired; unpleasant or unwelcome.
"bad news"
synonyms: unpleasant, disagreeable, unwelcome, unfortunate, unfavourable, unlucky, adverse, nasty; More
(of something causing pain, danger, or other unwelcome consequences) severe or serious.
"bad headaches"
synonyms: severe, serious, grave, critical, grievous, acute, dreadful, terrible, awful, ghastly, dire, grim, frightful, shocking; More
having a harmful effect on.
"soap was bad for his face"
synonyms: harmful, damaging, detrimental, undesirable, injurious, hurtful, inimical, dangerous, destructive, ruinous, deleterious; More
failing to conform to standards of moral virtue or acceptable conduct.
"the bad guys"
synonyms: wicked, sinful, immoral, evil, morally wrong, corrupt, base, black-hearted, reprobate, depraved, degenerate, dissolute, amoral; More
(of language) using words generally considered offensive; vulgar.
synonyms: offensive, vulgar, crude, foul, obscene, rude, coarse, smutty, dirty, filthy, indecent, indecorous; More
(of a part of the body) injured, diseased, or painful.
"a bad back"
synonyms: injured, wounded, diseased; More
(of food) decayed; putrid.
"everything in the fridge went bad"
synonyms: rotten, off, decayed, decomposed, decomposing, putrid, putrefied, putrescent, mouldy, mouldering; More
regretful, guilty, or ashamed about something.
"she feels bad about ending their engagement"
synonyms: guilty, conscience-stricken, remorseful, guilt-ridden, ashamed, chastened, contrite, sorry, full of regret, regretful, repentant, penitent, shamefaced, self-reproachful, apologetic
"George always felt bad after shouting at her"
worthless; not valid.
what a wonderful guy!!