The Range Rover. Cam car entered the 'calmed' area at 23mph with no oncoming traffic visisble and had right of way. RR probably well over 30mph and would have had a 'give way to oncoming traffic' sign but ignored it. Standard!
Wonder if he got bush scrapes. Probably about the only time that thing will go 'off road'.
What a fucking shit car that goes well with the driver, bet he has no friends, waste of space, one of the shittest drivers I’ve seen, ram this car of the road!!!
Traffic pushing in cunt. Pulls outs onto Walsall Broadway from a house and straight away goes into right turn lane before pushing in and continuing straight on. Knows what he’s doing the cunt the fucker lives there. Must be his shit Astra estate in paedophile beige that gives him special rights.
What can I say apart from absolute no consideration for any other road user. Pulls up at traffic lights with music blasting and drive off extremely fast as if he was trying to race someone. Luckily i drove past a community support officer and gave the officer an idea of what the car looked like and the licence plate... expect to be contacted soon boy racer.
This young man needs to be taken off the road seen his driving so dangerous at speed and is only a matter of time before he injures himself or others reported driving to the police
The Range Rover. Cam car entered the 'calmed' area at 23mph with no oncoming traffic visisble and had right of way. RR probably well over 30mph and would have had a 'give way to oncoming traffic' sign but ignored it. Standard!
Wonder if he got bush scrapes. Probably about the only time that thing will go 'off road'.