Morons like these are the reason KP are forced to put "Warning: Contains Nuts" on their packaging.
If you're so breathtakingly stupid and irresponsible as to drive on the wrong side of the road then you shouldn't be put in charge of other people's health. If I was their alma mater I'd be thoroughly ashamed to have awarded medical degrees to this pair of gormless cunt cysts.
The problem I have with this video is that it conflates complaint with protest. As mentioned the guy walking across the road made his point, so why stop in the road and cause a further obstruction?
Yes you have right of way (as a pedestrian does), and yes they were wrong to do what they did. But it's's being pedantic, is it not? The council is the one to protest against, you will then get a lot more done because I can assure you a lone voice against countless people doing the same won't achieve much other than a blitz every now and then. Don't do the council's work for. Same for the police. I think your heart is in the right place and I agree with the principle, but I don't agree with the practice. It's counter-productive. And for the record I ride a motorbike, drive a car, ride and electric push bike and walk. Our roads are often badly-designed and our transport system is often a joke..everyone should in my opinion get together and demand real chance rather than fight amongst ourselves which is what certain people eager to lord over us want. There's real protest - and there's real change, with everyone happy.
I'm not a cyclist, but I agree with what the cyclist did. Had the driver hit a passenger or car coming the other way, then he would have learnt the lesson the hard way. Double Volvo dickheads. LM65 WXH DICKHEADS
Morons like these are the reason KP are forced to put "Warning: Contains Nuts" on their packaging.
If you're so breathtakingly stupid and irresponsible as to drive on the wrong side of the road then you shouldn't be put in charge of other people's health. If I was their alma mater I'd be thoroughly ashamed to have awarded medical degrees to this pair of gormless cunt cysts.