LN02 YJB 2016-07-23 22:44:19

Know why is this guy staring into a van? BRCAUSE HE IS ON DDRRUUGGSS. God why do people have to take drugs four?
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LN06 UYX 2016-07-07 02:35:13

That's insane. I would move further out because people like that.. as shown.. you give them an inch and their brains turn to shit. They should be fined for putting your life at risk like that, at the very least.
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LN06 UYX 2016-07-07 13:54:21

same sort of person who would then whinge like a little girl when you take a commanding position for a blind bend. what a cock.
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LN57 XVJ 2016-06-14 14:44:41

When you say almost keyed.. did they follow you onto private property and act aggressively? They don't have to cause physical harm or loss to be found culpable. Can you describe them: colour/age/sex etc?
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LN15 MDU 2016-06-07 20:20:17

Whether or not such spaces existed when she had kids is irrelevant.
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LN16 NKE 2016-05-01 18:07:18

Jesus Christ!!!! this car was zooming. If you are a cyclist or pedestrian in the road just get out of the way quick!!
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LN16 NKE 2016-04-29 08:57:53

Speeding girl in small white car on blind bend
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LN11 ZJU 2016-04-14 19:09:12

Horrific red light jump by Black Cab "professional" - no wonder Black Cab business is dying in London - No one is safe . Arrogant and careless
14 April 2016 Sloane Street/Pont Street in Chelsea
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LN52 SZY 2016-02-23 00:36:46

✗ Untaxed
Tax due: 01 November 2015
Expires: 27 October 2016
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LN02 UUF 2016-02-04 14:59:58

Shouldn't be on the road. Got annoyed when I over took him as my way was clear and his was blocked. Started to switch lanes and deliberately trying to cut me up. Pulling up to lights he slammed on his breaks so I would hit him, which I didn't as I was aware of his erradicate driving. I mimed to him in his mirror saying I had a baby in the car to which he silently replied so what I don't care. What a nice man. Reported to police.
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