Open your fucking eyes before pulling out you prick, if you do pull out dont move straight into the offside lane of a 50mph slip road and sit there at 5mph.
The driver of the black Mercedes is clearly young and dumb. He cut me up by driving dangerously and changing lanes at a roundabout, break-checked before making rude hand jestures after I horned at him. He flashed everyone in front of him to move out of his way or undertook cars dangerously and then slam on in his brakes then proceed to swear at them. This idiot thinks he owns the road, and I hope karma takes its turn on him one day. No photos as I was driving
Absolute idiot driving on the m1 today between Junction 13- Junction 10 South bound today. Weaving in and out of lanes cutting people up and trying to force people off the road. Wonder how many people he cut up and tried to run off the road in that one journey. All on video which hasn't been put up as its been sent to the police.
Deliberate high speed pass inches away from a clearly visible cyclist, for no reason other than to intimidate. Other side of the road was completely empty, could have passed 10 feet away safely.
Yellow Lamborghini driven by a fool. If he gets it wrong next time, cyclist will be dead.
Pulls out from the side road. Didn't look or didn't care? What do you think?