Perfect example in henlow village Bedfordshire of why oaps shouldn't drive. Straight through a red light almost knocking over another oap who had the insight to walk and not drive. Straight over a roundabout while indicating to turn, forcing others to brake hard, and constant hard breaking for no reason.
I don't care how old you are, you run my child over I'll drag you out and go psycho on you.
Clearly your mother and father are brother and sister. Aresholes like you should not be driving in this country. Fat piece of bacon! Trying to kill my family. Drove on my inside to overtake on the Westfield flyover entrance after trying to run me off the road in a ‘Kia’. Then proceeded to try and knock a biker down at the red light he ran through as too scared to stop! Coward!
Bit long winded and I never normally comment but cockwomble in his Mazda 6 needs naming and shaming driving around Wakefield like a tosser
Your an absolute bell, drive up my arse trying to use bully boy tactics for me to move when there’s a car on inside of me not allowing me to be able to move over and I’m doing the 40 mph speed limit,then when I move over you go into round about in Outside lane then cut back across in front of me from outside lane to take 1st exit, shite example of driving, you got from behind me to in front of me and I still drove into Asda directly behind you, you got nowhere did you, i then question you on it to be told I should have moved and there was loads of room on roundabout,then to my utter disbelief you were a grown man with your partner and child in the car,your a lot older than me driving like that with your family in the car pissing me off carrying my one year old with me, everyone says younger generation drive bad but i think your example of bellendness disproves that, I feel sorry for your partner and child your partner seemed a nice woman but you sir are a cockwomble and if the timing and people around were different it’d have been a much more unpleasant experience than us exchanging words but I know your reg baldy and the fact your twice my size doesn’t phase me your stupid driving could have endangered my daughter so you crossed a line you bald cunt, see you around
Drive carelessly in middle of two lanes after informing him from behind he put his hand up and continued doing what he wished.