This nutcase sped around a corner didn't bother there was a pedestrian crossing, tore around the car park in Lidls like it was a race track. Parked her car in a family parking spot (lazy cow was on her own) and waddled off into the store. A grade A self centered cunt if ever there was one.
Knob in a BMW. I know that doesn't narrow it down any. Goes straight through the lights near the old Waterstones in town but as they've run a red light the other traffic is now oncoming so they're stuck in no mans land.
Parks up by Williamsons Park.
This pervy truck driver was obsessed with speed and getting from A to B by harassing motorists in front.
He sped between Longridge and Ribchester exceeding the 40 limit and catching up with vehicles in front.
In Ribchester, where the speed limit went down to 30 then 20 he was up the backside of the vehicle in front trying to make the driver go faster.
Further on the A59 by Clitheroe, he was tailgating and dangerously overtook clipping the verge/kerb to pass. He eventually turned left off the A59 at the far side of Clitheroe.
Typical Highways Maintenance perv driver bullying other motorists and abusing the size of their vehicle to barge their way about.
This pratt came flying down the slip road to the M61/65 roundabout, and made no attempt to slow down to check if any vehicles were approaching from the right, they were using the M65 lane to access the M61to jump the small queue of 3 cars, he was going so fast the car snaked as he tried to keep in his lane, this idiot is a serious accident waiting to happen.
Doesn't understand how merge lanes work so speeds up to stop me from getting in front almost causing a collision so they were beeped. Their passenger then swore at me as they speed past later on the motorway.
Basically a typical small penis white van oxygen thief.
Hope they get a puncture every day of their miserable existence
This nutcase sped around a corner didn't bother there was a pedestrian crossing, tore around the car park in Lidls like it was a race track. Parked her car in a family parking spot (lazy cow was on her own) and waddled off into the store. A grade A self centered cunt if ever there was one.