Spotted this idiot at the Trafford Centre today. Trying too hard to show a front plate but fails on both counts:
1) The plate must be ahead of the front wheels, so can’t be on the dashboard
2) The sticker plate on the bumper is too small therefore illegal and obviously not made of the correct reflective material. Also no legal markings etc.
That’ll be at least a £100 FPN for you dude (if not a court summons for multiple number plate offences) when you get nabbed by the police 😂
Parks like an absolute idiot in Morrisons Halifax. Right up next to the line of the bay next to them. The car parked next had to wait to get in because of this idiot driver. Absolute prat.
This driver was in the wrong lane, tried to pull into when their car was right to me. Honked and slowed down and swerved out of there way he put his his indicator on half way through the lane change and then had the audacity to swear at me when he was in the wrong.
11:45 on 02/08/19
A63 Hull by Fruitmarket
This guy didn’t stop at the crossing when the lights had turned red and pedestrians were about to start crossing.
Parked like a tosser over the lines.