MK58 BAK 2016-08-30 10:28:24

A great driver
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MK02 BVP 2016-08-29 17:03:37

Absolute tool. Overtook on a roundabout and nearly forced us off the road.
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MK64 DWC 2016-08-19 18:57:07

Little boy in a white van. Straight into the road in front of me, forcing me to overtake to avoid collision, then waving w*nker signs at me. I slowed down and he jumped out of the van and ran after me shouting and waving his hands about. Chimp.
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MK60 KNE 2016-08-25 22:43:25

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MK60 BZT 2016-08-11 20:09:09

Idiot, moron, chav, scum,headcase....I could go on for years, thinks they are more important than everyone else by queue jumping by going straight on in a left only lane. Prospective buyers DO NOT buy this car as it has been driven by an utter tosspot
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MK62 KXJ 2016-08-15 16:30:38

Kept indicating left. Didn't go left. Stopped in middle of road for no reason with no signals. Awful driver.
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MK55 FWR 2016-08-14 00:14:11

Thought it was a rodent at the wheel with those massive front teeth although the huge elephant like ears..... could someone clarify if it is in fact a human driving this shit box?
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MK11 MKC 2016-08-04 14:31:33

Who does this guy think he is?! This nonce thinks he owns the road, shouting at innocent drivers. Even threatened to kill a young lad driver for parking on a parking space near his house. Such a disrespectful waste on the road. TAKE HIM OFF!!
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MK59 UGY 2016-08-10 13:51:31

This driver is amazing !
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MK14 BYX 2016-08-05 14:47:58

Fucking little tanned steroid using dwarf. Can't drive for shit.
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Worst drivers in July

  1. CE62 WDD
  2. AU08 XVH
  3. C1 TNY
  4. T425 GSP
  5. P15 BAK
  6. PN73 ENO
  7. VX13 OPL
  8. LR14 EWA
  9. KM64 ODP
  10. BD61 DYO

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