MK10 MJO 2016-05-17 12:53:00

Stupid overweight bitch, driving while reading her phone in the outside lane. I beeped to let her know, and she and her very elderly male passenger, wound there window down screaming loads of abuse. Like I was the one in the wrong.
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MK13 LVG 2016-05-12 19:38:13

Incredibly dangerous driver - pulled onto wrong side of road going very fast in a 30 zone worth lots of pedestrians, repeatedly cut up other drivers, slammed brakes on in front of people and behaved in a knowingly dangerous way. Should be banned.
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MK15 SXM 2016-05-04 18:10:15

*PLEASE NOTE* All my videos are for feedback purposes only in an attempt to reach the driver, after all if they didn't know they did right/wrong, how will they learn?
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MK58 RYU 2016-04-27 07:52:01

The driver of this van refused to pull into a gap between two parked cars on his side of the road and wanted me to pull into it - on his side of the road. After refusing to move he then bullied me into reversing 100 yards down the road until I could go into a space, all the while he and his two friends were laughing, swearing at me and driving dangerously close to my car.
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MK03 VLB 2016-04-07 16:53:29

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MK06 VND 2016-04-11 11:36:43

deliberate crasher
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MK58 UVN 2016-04-02 15:39:52

This utter scumbag damaged my van and drove away into the sunset, police will be knocking on her door soon haha
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MK60 ENN 2016-03-19 11:03:32

Stout man with fat hands and hi-vis jacket in black Ford Focus Zetec 1.6 didn't like me indicating and moving into the lane ahead of him (after checking it was clear) so speeded up to stop me, which he couldn't, dashed into the left-hand lane, sped up and forced his way back in front. Then apparently content to signal his continued illegality by photographing me with his phone, presumably to try to intimidate a female driver. Sad twat.
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MK55 KXY 2016-02-28 16:22:11

Absolute idiot scraped into e side of my car and only returned when he realised I had his reg, he's a c*nt
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MK08 WYS 2016-02-23 14:34:16

Absolute cockwomble. This stupid fuck knuckle needs to learn how to drive and where his indicators live.

Saw on 2 occasions, first time he undercut me and the second tried barging me out of the way because he was stuck behind traffic turning on a filter box oh and he was on his phone.

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  2. AU08 XVH
  3. VX13 OPL
  4. M11 UVS
  5. SP62 UHO
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  7. BD61 DYO
  8. BU17 ELL
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