MK54 EFB 2016-01-14 18:00:13

Awesome driver
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MK11 ZRB 2015-12-21 20:32:37

If you can't park when this van's outside your home be warned the guy that had or still may have this vehicle can be argumentative and has no problem himself reporting people for things they have not done .If you're a female let your husband partner requests he moves his van so you can gain access.
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MK63 LZT 2015-12-18 13:29:52

Copper colour BMW X6. Blonde woman driver mid-late 50s. Speeding. Accelerating on a green from 0-60mph on a 30. Tailgaiting. Puts on indicator and changes lane at the same time without checking mirrors and with no space. i had to break heavily to avoid her hitting me. Watched her at the next lights - she not check mirrors or blind spot and almost hit another car. Then watched as she turned in and out of traffic. Completely oblivious.

You are about 50 for christs sake.
You should know better! Yet you drive like a teenager trying to impress a girl. Absolute idiot. Expect to hear from the police as i've reported you.
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MK07 BTZ 2015-12-15 16:36:37

Sexy driver
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MK54 KYT 2015-12-03 14:14:29

This silver Mondeo thought it was funny to overtake four cars and squeeze in the last second at the roundabout at ASDA Fleetwood no wonder are insurance premiums rise with pricks like this on the road
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MK02 VMG 2015-12-01 15:11:06

This motorist threw cigarette butts out of their window on a residential street, right in front of someone's kitchen window. Nice!
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MK14 EKV 2015-11-25 12:30:31

Rude kids swearing out the car!! Driver should control these brats
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MK15 NWS 2015-11-13 19:04:47

Ignorant swine, foul looking female.

Why do they give such big cars to dla benefits claimants?
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MK61 MFA 2015-10-27 18:29:45

Interserve company van? Lady driver 07/10/2015
Pulls out in front of me on roundabout forcing me to slow down & drive around her - vehicle also has no tax or mot!
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MK59 GGF 2015-10-26 13:25:25

3 mins 30 secs in.
Driver actually believes that he is exempt from needing to give way.
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