MK09 XFS 2015-03-11 22:19:17

Cracking driving skills
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MK03 FBF 2015-02-25 16:34:17

This female driver early 20s was driving behind me from whitby to scarborough. Tail gating excessively. There couldn't of been more than three metres between her and me. Nearly hitting me when u braked. Doing a number of offensive hand gestures to me. I decided to pull over to let her passed, she stopped next to me called me all the names under the sun. I pulled up near my house she stopped just ahead of me and turned around. I drove off and proceeded to follow me around scarborough driving up my back side !!! Not impressed at all.
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MK10 RNV 2015-02-23 23:49:01

I was parked up at my local shops waiting for my spouse to come out the shop, when the owner of this silver van reversed straight into the front of my parked car, chipping my paintwork and cracking my chrome trim. He got out and admitted liability. He then was trying to "rub out the damage"??

I stopped him and said I wanted his insurance details, he did give them me but he said "mate, a bit of concrete compounding will sort out the chrome trim, don't put it through my insurance"

I reported it to my insurance, he initially admitted liability to my insurance, but then later said he would deny liability if they wouldn't let him repair it. What with? "Concrete Compound"???


(Little did he know my insurance records all phone calls, )
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MK05 NWN 2015-02-01 20:58:31

fucking nobhead driver please watch out for this wanker of a driver that nearly killed us!!!
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MK12 CZN 2014-12-18 10:25:07

M6/a66. Noticed this car and its very attractive woman driver. Kept passing me then slowing down! Mating call???
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MK13 BXM 2014-12-13 23:12:13

Stopped on double yellows and blocked the road. Complete gravy tunnel
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MK09 XLX 2014-12-08 00:09:55

rear ended a stationary car, fcuking muppet. Not paying attention to the road.
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MK52 ODG 2014-12-04 20:31:17

Wessex way madness cutting up drivers
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MK62 HXN 2024-05-28 19:43:41

the only instructor using a fucking 62 plate Seat
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MK64 HWG 2024-04-29 18:40:56

The only thing worse than a cyclist, is this guy. Cut me up, pulled me over at the esso, and poured diesel all over my car. Worst part is, he didnt even pay at the pump.
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  1. BU53 FPV
  2. S671 UOA
  3. DG66 HRA
  4. KM09 PKU
  5. LJ23 YCT
  6. SG10 BZY
  7. GJ24 NNH
  8. FV04 FWJ
  9. GL20 ONN
  10. NA06 AAV

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