MK57 GSV 2017-12-16 10:54:50

Very sad.. no manners, no morals value
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MK58 GPE 2017-09-25 20:23:26

No insurance and no MOT, shouldn't be on the road!
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MK12 GWU 2017-09-01 00:16:46

Camera car drove into a bus lane and should be fined. Should have done the right thing and stayed put in his lane.Idiots that move out of the way just encourage this kind of behaviour.
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MK12 GWU 2017-08-11 17:52:20

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MK10 UOU 2017-08-03 18:47:51


I think you mean inconsiderate...
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MK12 GWU 2017-08-03 08:09:33

Ha, this is on Chatham Hill in Medway, Kent!
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MK53 VPO 2017-07-30 11:19:41

needs taking off the road before this muppet kills someone.
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MK53 VPO 2017-07-26 15:48:07

nearly hit a car whilst on his phone st johns road biddulph.
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MK66 KYT 2017-06-26 00:06:10

I have learnt that driver has been witnessed by police officers and that they have issued him with a notice under the anti-social legislation.This was about 3 weeks ago. Has it stopped him? Not at all - I can hear him tonight racing around.He floored it from Bar Lane down North Avenue yesterday. He doesn't care about you. He has no respect for you, your family, the community, society, or the laws of the land.
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MK66 KYT 2017-06-25 23:54:50

This car is capable of 0- 62 in 4.6 seconds and in my opinion the driver regularly demonstrates that in North Avenue, Wakefield. Both ways. Almost daily and sometimes more than once a day. I have witnessed the car being floored for at least 5 seconds before decelerating noisily when reaching the other end. I judge that sometimes its speed is probably greater than the national speed limit. And North Avenue is a narrow Victorian lane with very narrow pavements. I have heard from pedestrian users of this lane that it has been a startling and frightening experience. And North Avenue has a blind bend in the middle, a brow of a hill, and a busy junction at each end. Help put a stop to this by adding your thoughts here.
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