MK66 KYT 2017-06-25 23:26:33

This car has been reported to 101 on many occasions. I have been advised by the police to encourage you to call 101 and log all incidents of anti-social behaviour and traffic offences including inconsiderate driving, reckless driving and dangerous driving involving this car. Your reports will help them to stop this insanity.
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MK66 KYT 2017-06-25 23:21:47

This car can be heard driving very fast and very noisily around the College Grove/Pinderfields area of Wakefield regularly at all times of day AND NIGHT. This area includes a Hospital, several Care Homes and Nursing Homes and WAKEFIELD HOSPICE, for heaven's sake! The driver has no concern for the old, the sick, and the dying. HE HAS TO BE STOPPED.
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MK66 KYT 2017-06-25 23:37:07

Even if you don't see this car you will know when you've heard it. It is easily the loudest and does the most consistently noisy acceleration all around central Wakefield.
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MK66 KYT 2017-06-25 23:15:36

This car has been witnessed driving so fast round a bend in North Avenue that he lost control and fishtailed to recover.
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MK66 KYT 2017-06-25 23:11:02

I have witnessed a driver of this car turning right onto a main road in contravention of a LEFT TURN ONLY sign. This driver does not care about road signs and road safety.
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MK05 OCF 2017-05-17 20:20:21

Wtf....Fat bloke wearing Snap back cap racing round like lewis a Peugeot 206....hahahahaha
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MK66 RXL 2017-05-17 11:38:25

Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep
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MK65 HCE 2017-04-25 21:19:14

You're clearly a lane hog.

See seconds 27 through 54 of the first clip for a good example of this, and this is doubtless the reason you started the clip just as he undertook - to cover up your own shitty illegal driving behaviour beforehand.

Try driving legally in the correct lane and less people will have to make you look like a cock.
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MK57 UKP 2017-04-25 12:15:41

You Bellend. You could see here from way back but still made a meal out of it buy braking late although you still had time to sound your alarm. Plus had you been in the cycle lane you could have easily gone around the back of the car.

No this is not Sid James or whoever you MAMIL's call Trolls, I am a cyclist too (not a lycra one!) but a bloody safe one who has never had an accident on the road.

Get a Fucking life.
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MK57 UKP 2017-04-25 20:02:21

Perhaps you should learn to read the road ahead and pay attention.
YOU rode into the side of the vehicle, probably on purpose so you could upload some more footage.
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