He doesn't own the road. Furthermore if he's inventing his own rules of the road then please film it and pass it onto the police. Is there any more to this? For instance can you remember how the female cyclist stopped? Perhaps that has some bearing I don't know. But willingly using a vehicle as a weapon is simply not on.
You know..this disgraceful attitude.. screaming, ranting and blaming other people. Seems very similar to the entitled millennial mob who are given positions within media. Not positions earned, but given, and often for political reasons rather than giving people jobs based on their actual skills. They seem right at home within the likes of the BBC and METRO.
Assuming you got a "keyless start" car, the cooks most likely would have just slapped a pair of plates from another Fiesta and it's probably now either being parted out, cloned or shipped to Eastern bloc Europe as you read this.
Good luck, I think that's all you can hope for honestly.
Brain Damaged