I was driving along the road at 30mph (limit) when this idiot pulled out straight in front and of me. There is no obstruction to view at this junction and no excuse for pulling out so close! Just dangerous, arrogant and irresponsible! Steer clear!
Yesterday this dickhead on the a12 then headed to Dagenham , driving like Lewis Hamilton and keep changing lanes every 5seconds , he caused nearly 11 near misses and nearly caused 5 serious crashes
Because you have a Audi you think you own the road , one point I nearly called the police
This is one dangerous driver hope next time you get arrested
Typical lease hire SUV twat thinking they can sit inches from my 'inferior' older vehicle. "Get our of my way because I am stupid enough to pay £300 a month for this car".
The speed limit was 30mph and I was doing 30mph. I know it's hard to believe but the engine in my vehicle is capable of making it go faster than 30. I happen to respect local people crossing the road and turning out of junctions like the old bloke who drove straight out in front of me last week, hence sticking to the limit.
This nouveau riche cock turned off down a side road within a few hundred years so the tailgating was even less necessary.
You are not better than everybody else sitting up there in your pseudo off-roader, probably on your way to an over-priced new build round the corner.
Arrogant prat, can't wait in line so passes a long queue and uses the right turn lane to go straight on, forcing his way into the traffic almost causing an accident. Prick!!
I have not met you, and I fear I may never have the chance to thank you for saving my life.
37 years, I have spent in service of my employer. 37 years of blood, tears and erections (I work at the Blood, Tear and Erection department of the local hospital).
Today, I found out, my boss, Francis, has been having an affair with my beautiful wife.
Granted, I won her off him 5 years ago in a high stakes game of blackjack.
And to find out the way I did!! With a novelty popup card! Devastated!!
Anyway, I digress! I was planning to park on the local train tracks and end it all. But thanks to you, I've missed the 14:21 Virgin train to London!
Went through red light in sale town centre whilst on mobile phone, oblivious laughing on phone, no regard for those starting to cross. Could have killed someone, male aged in 30s, Chinese.
I was driving along the road at 30mph (limit) when this idiot pulled out straight in front and of me. There is no obstruction to view at this junction and no excuse for pulling out so close! Just dangerous, arrogant and irresponsible! Steer clear!