Not really, it was because the lane filtered into one so he had to move over. You knew that would happen by the road signs and that he was on the outside lane. This happens all the time and we all have to give way when required. No big deal.
Have one of these. Can confirm it causes that effect with the wide angle lens but bloody good camera! Caught someone's face smashing my wing mirror in the other lane (well, over both lanes but that's another story)
Wow that was bad driving. He is clearly going slower than traffic undertaking. The motorcyclist had no where to go, if you look at the positioning of the car it was on the central white line. Agreed that it could have easily been a serious crash with traffic on the other side of the road. I personally hate dual-carriageway crossings.
Are you blind???
Clearly it was not safe to do a U-Turn here. For one he didn't have the visibility to safely perform the manoeuvre for traffic on the other side of the carriage way. Using the excuse that the driver didn't know where he was going is shameful. That is how people get killed.
I couldn't see any "No U Turn" signs on the approach to the junction. The road markings are advisory as arrows only (does not say "AHEAD ONLY), the vehicle indicated in good time, what exactly is the problem?
What a twat, incapable of sticking to the speed limit, undertaking drivers, then had a change of heart and HANDBRAKE turned his car a full 180 degrees in the middle of a busy A6
Not really, it was because the lane filtered into one so he had to move over. You knew that would happen by the road signs and that he was on the outside lane. This happens all the time and we all have to give way when required. No big deal.