Screw the moron. Just slow down to increase the gap. Best yet, get some dash cams and report them to the police. These idiots want to be noticed, right? Fine. Upload heaven here we come..the more the merrier. Makes a little money out of the views but above all SCREW THESE IDIOT MORONS who can't drive and respect other road users. Anyone who tail-gates me gets this very treatment. Funnily enough, a lot of them seem to back off the moment they realise they're on camera..too late.
Hogging outside lane, absolutely nothing in front or alongside him, but moved over before I got anywhere near him. Then swerves violently into lane two when overtaken, nearly made contact with my front nearside wing. Silver Vauxhall Insignia hatchback, facelift model, A27 Polegate.
Travellng A51 through Duddon this morning, tailgating and overtaking in 30mph limit, overtaking dangerously and driving at speeds of 50mph+. Then to add to it all sounding the hirn at vehicles who were comlyng to the law in front of it as they were 'in the way'!
Needs to be sacked as theres no room for such people as so called professional drivers in goods vehicles.
Tipper sold at auction in July 2016®no=MX04PPK&sale=412