MX13BXG you prick, learn to keep some distance. Can't do that? Then put your license back inside a Christmas cracker and toss the keys into a car crusher.. done and dusted. Fucking tail-gaters make me sick, they deserve to be filmed and as long as nobody is hurt (rare) they deserve to have their metal toy mashed up. Hopefully they'll run out of insurers, the stupid, selfish and arrogant arse-holes they are...
Might be worth reporting him to Tuffnells.
Depends how much pride they take in their public image.
Local manager contact details are on their website.
I reported a driver driving in a similar manner recently, to a different company, had it all on camera, driver was sacked.
MX13BXG you prick, learn to keep some distance. Can't do that? Then put your license back inside a Christmas cracker and toss the keys into a car crusher.. done and dusted. Fucking tail-gaters make me sick, they deserve to be filmed and as long as nobody is hurt (rare) they deserve to have their metal toy mashed up. Hopefully they'll run out of insurers, the stupid, selfish and arrogant arse-holes they are...