N444 WTF 2019-12-27 21:57:30

Hahahaha look all these jealous whiteys who would never be able to afford a car like this
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NJ14 UTU 2019-12-18 18:33:08

now, unless ive missed something, the car with the camera has gone through the red light, indicated by two things. 1, the presence of the illuminated green man. 2, the presence and display of the middle finger. If this is correct, the driver is a fucking pigshit cum stain. Enjoy your breakfast
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NG09 NDJ 2019-12-14 17:09:37

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NK66 XJN 2019-12-13 23:58:34

This car is owned by the MI5 and it was tailgating me a few months ago. So I slammed my foot on the brake pedal and the MI5 car smashed into the back of my car. Then they just drove off. So I an suing them for £30,000 for writing off my brand new car. Then I am suing them for £10,000 and anpther £10,000 for post traumatic stress. They have now given me ny full £50,000 in compensation. This is not fake. This is my honest opinion on what happened.
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NK66 XJN 2019-12-13 23:46:53

I was once pulled pver by this car and the two officers showed by their MI5 ID cards. Then they said that I am wanted by the police and I am sure that I'm not. Then they handcuffed to a metal fence with steel american style handcuffs. Then they said that they were going to attend a 'more urgent' call and thag they would come back for the handcuffs later. I was handcuffed to the fence for 20 mins and then I finally realised that I had a handcuff key in my pocket that I always keep there just in case. I have now sold the handcuffs pn ebay abd the MI5 won't be getting them back any time soon, as they have been sold to a party clothes shop in Portugal.
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NA66 ZDV 2019-12-18 09:37:42

id be interested to see the previous few mins, could throw some clues as to why he was desperate to pass you....
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NV17 ORJ 2019-12-16 16:58:35

obviously not totalled is it..... IT STILL DRIVES
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NL10 CDO 2019-12-13 11:12:39

F****n Lunatic
is she playin dodgin cars?

Cancel her driving licence
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NV11 GVN 2019-12-07 11:38:28

speeds around like its his road dirty druggy thug
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NU10 ZVT 2019-12-05 12:27:14

Illegal and gay headlights.
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