NV10 JCO 2016-06-02 22:40:32

Wonder if their tax is 'in the post' so to speak (expired June 1st). Alas, should anything happen many won't rely on the police to follow it up - lord forbid they should have to enter a cultural zone especially if the coppers are English..
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NK13 TTE 2016-06-07 21:40:09

Polite and professional driver. He was inch perfect. Impressive.
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NA11 URY 2016-05-29 19:30:56

Typical undefined make and model car driver . Bloody immigrants , child molesters , when's X factor on ? .
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NA64 EXU 2016-05-21 10:34:07

What a psycho.
Many years ago when I was a racing club rider we used to introduce our young/new riders by way of Sunday club runs. Sometimes there could be as many as 20 or so of us on these outings riding 2 abreast as we are allowed but going single file when needed to let vehicles pass. On one such occasion we had a very aggressive van filled with builders wanting to fight us because we delayed them for a few seconds. They would not have stood a chance of course because of our numbers and we were very fit plus we had 2 additional club members with us, one a policeman the other a police woman. We avoided the conflict due to having some very young riders with us who were visibly afraid.
On reflection I now wish we gave the builders what they wanted/deserved, a thoroughly good hiding.
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NA05 WNL 2016-05-21 00:42:13

I'd say all the crap about council functions e.t.c sounds like a daily mail reader but I think any type of reading may be beyond the driver of the camera car if he can't appreciate he was at least as bad as the Nissan driver in this video
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NA05 WNL 2016-05-20 20:57:59

So he was in front of you when two lanes merged and you accelerated with the specific intention of cutting him off probably because you knew you had a dashcam and wanted footage ( assuming it's your footage and you havn't stolen it to get youtube views .

You as much of a problem as the guy in the Nissan with your aggresive driving mentality at some percieved slight of another care daring to move one space ahead of you .

There is no rule that the car in the outside lane gets priority ,you are mistaken although it does explain why you were in that lane coming up to the roundabout when the lane to your left was clear .

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NK65 EYY 2016-05-26 21:34:23

Loads of people seeing him up to it, its just getting a dashcam. Been pulling people and not giving reasons as well, the whole thing is a fishing expedition.
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NA64 EXU 2016-05-23 10:08:39

Sorry mate, looks like he was on the bridge before you. Did you expect him to stop and reverse for you? And yes, I am a cyclist.
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NA57 YST 2016-05-21 20:02:42

It sounds awful I have seen this car about. He has totally ruined that car with all the shit he has put on it
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NA57 YST 2016-05-21 19:58:58

I see him driving around Frome a lot he looks like an old man. Shit car !!
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