NY55 BKV 2016-04-07 16:54:27

I too have seen this man driving like a maniac. He has grey hair and is about 50. He does seem to be a very aggressive driver and has nearly run me over when I have been walking the dog
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NL65 UZN 2016-04-05 18:26:12

This guy abuses me
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NL65 UZN 2016-04-05 11:44:42

This driver was seen beating his dog. On Tuesday 29th March 2016.
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NL65 UZN 2016-04-03 18:36:56

This man has been caught abusing animals. If u see him please report him. We have a voice, the dog doesn't!
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NL65 UZN 2016-04-03 17:43:02

Awful man. Abuses animals, deserves to be in prison
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NC54 XWW 2016-03-27 00:47:09

This happened because 2 fuckwit lorry drivers wanted to play 'convoy' and slow every vehicle to their pace. Fucking fuckwit thick cunts paid to drive - poor thick pair of cunts who have no future or possibility of aspirational offspring.
All lorry drivers should stay in the slow lane as that the same level of mental acuity they possess.
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NV56 OFM 2016-03-25 02:41:50

NV56OFM if you're trying to be a prick.. your luck might just run out - lots of people have cameras. If you REALLY must act like that then don't be surprised if your mush ends up all over the Internet. Cyclists are road users, not targets in a computer game..
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NL11 VOM 2016-03-23 10:55:04

walking through a car park, and this guy in a Nissan duke, comes flying at me. I was walking across a pelican crossing at the time, and he seemed to speed up. i was most the way off when he sounded the horn and swerved on to the wrong side of the road, and shouted curses at me
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NL11 VOM 2016-03-23 10:39:46

Is just an absolute beast, drives like a pro.
Straight over speed bumps at wessy way at 65 like a tank
Definitely a Nissan Juke driver for sure driving over the top of cars like no tomorrow :)
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NL11 VOM 2016-03-23 11:13:06

A car with this plate, has been driving very aggressively around the car park, in Leechmere. We have a number of complaints about his driving from stealing bays from customers, to burn outs, even to having drag races with other customers
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