This idiot overtook 6 cars and 1 truck in one go along a single carriageway (A693), nearly going head on with an oncoming car. He drives a Blue Skoda Octavia VRS.
Likes to intimidate female cyclists by tail gating on country lanes, pressing his horn whilst tailgating or passing for no reason may I add other than to scare me. Passes by at excessive speeds without adequate space. Also likes to drive so close he clips the bikes handle bars. I started to leave 15 minutes later than usual to avoid him on my way to work each morning (6.45) after a few weeks doing this he realised I was longer cycling Four Elms Road the same time as him (6.30) (as he drives past my house) and now purposefully drives this road at the 6.45 with the soul intention of being a bald fat fuck of an arsehole!
take your time you crazy twat as you nearly run over my nanna when you passed her and i got your reg of a guy at the bus stop and you never even said sorry
Immigrant smuggler