This idiot tried to overtake a cyclist today in Kent on a narrow country road whilst I was oncoming (cycling) and almost swerved right into me. Had to slam my brakes hard to avoid getting hit. Seriously poor driving skills.
parked on double yellows outside Seaside school in Lancing. Kids have previously been knocked down here. When challenged the driver got very aggressive and his defence was "I'm not blocking a driveway". Total muppet
Highways Maintenance truck - pulled out of petrol station in Danbury through the entrance, attempted to force his way into front of queuing traffic at lights that had just turned green then swore and gesticulated very rudely to the elderly female driver who had been forced to brake sharply to avoid collision.
Time: 16:11 - 03/05/2015
Even though you can clearly see that you didn't have priority and that I was coming through at about 15mph, you still decided that you would barge through and force me out of your way. Just because I was on a bike doesn't mean that I have to stop for you. I had priority coming the other way and you even stuck your hand up as if it was my fault. I would say that this is a case of arrogance and you clearly think that it is alright to bully your way through a cyclist who had priority. If I was in a car you would have stopped wouldn't you? So why are bikes any different? They're classed as vehicles. Male driver who clearly needs to learn how to share the road. The photo shows what this driver saw, I was oncoming and had priority.
Driver of a small Citroen van thinks it's ok to smash other drivers mirrors and just continue on his journey, may our paths never cross again as you may need to get the bus home you tit
Time: 16:35 - ??/07/2015
Male driver on the phone.