NC54 XWW 2016-03-21 02:39:30

what an r soul
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NC06 ACV 2016-03-10 15:10:00

Commercial Larrys are worse than the normal ones, I find.
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NC57 AVC 2015-08-21 19:13:38

Forgot to say - you did the finger to a bus full of kids. Well done big man
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NC04 YOX 2015-02-04 20:57:42

Maybe you shouldn't be in the middle of the road so people don't need to undertake you. Also, idiots like you annoy me to no end. Not because you're Scottish but because all the cars queued at the lights had obviously overtaken previously. You've then gone to the front again and no doubt got in the way of all of them. Cunt.
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NC04 YOX 2015-02-06 10:33:06

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NCB 618 2023-04-13 19:16:59

Absolute yob was speeding we were going 70mph and this absolute melt was going over 80mph
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NCZ 6392 2023-02-21 22:02:07

Northern Irish Mercedes Sprinter ice cream van (1997)
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NCZ 4042 2019-03-02 13:58:52

Wondering if there are any mk1 arosa 1999 in northern ireland (or republic) for sale. Want something with clean bodywork. Colour doesnt really matter. Pfa
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NCB 618 2023-04-13 19:17:57

What a yob!
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NMR 727M 2024-11-16 22:36:25

Pudsey bout to sell this.
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  2. KP68 VDV
  3. FN66 JYU
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  7. B16 TAJ
  8. KV59 YWN
  9. BD54 ELC
  10. WG02 NFE

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